- Collect their incident information from dispatch (assuming they’re not staying to chat…),
- Create an incident report in your system, and assign it to themselves,
- Enter the incident information, like the incident nature, date & time, address of occurrence, how the incident was reported, response times, etc.,
- Enter the following involved persons, and/or update their information (at a minimum, Complainant, Suspect, Victim, Witness)
- Enter any involved vehicles, and/or update their information
How is Patrol spending their time?
Are you paying for work twice?
How long does it take one of your patrol officers to do this work?
Crunch the Numbers for Yourself
Input Your Figures:
Let's be frank for a minute.
We both know that your Officers aren’t taking the time they should to ensure that your records are up to date, complete and orderly. And we both know that your Admin Assistant is spending most of their time cleaning up these records. So in actuality, your agency is paying to do the same work three times.
If you’re ready to see the difference EFORCE® RMS can make for your agency, click the button below and schedule a customized demo today!
Get your Patrol Team out from behind their desks and back in the field!
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Seeing is believing! We would love to show you why EFORCE® is the clear choice for your agency’s software needs.